No. by Bianca Nogrady. Or rather, it depends on who you listen to. Given the evidence favoring coconut oil, why is a new report from the American Heart Association (AHA) promoting this falsehood? I've got a couple of jars of coconut oil- organic, extra virgin, in a glass jar, etc etc $$$ from Whole Foods. Learn more about how using coconut oil can affect your health online at Good Clean Love. We advise against the use of coconut oil," the American Heart Association says in a new report. A perfect example of a healthy food that was unfairly demonized in the past is coconut oil. I took them on a trip across the countr Coconut oil isn't healthy. Ever since I started using coconut oil, my cholesterol has spiked, writes this weeks house call. Coconut oil is the edible oil retrieved from matured coconuts. No. Coconut oil has recently been dubbed the "world's healthiest oil." Contrary to what most of us were taught, coconut oil is good for you! ... A FEW years ago I noticed something odd at the health food store. Coconut oil is the edible oil retrieved from matured coconuts. Learn about the pros and cons and figure it out for yourself. Over time, our understanding of dietary fat has become far more advanced and nuanced, and this has led some experts to change their tune a bit on coconut oil. Youve likely heard a lot about coconut oil and its various health uses of late. Yes. It's never been healthy. We found out if its benefits are a We discuss the main 4 reasons NOT to use coconut oil as Lube. Depending on your specific health status coconut oil may or may not be safe for you. The problem is, we're not really any closer to understanding if coconut oil is good or bad for us. Claims abound about its near-miraculous healing powers. If you use coconut oil on a regular basis, its a good idea to know a thing or two about it. Or rather, it depends on who you listen to. Is it a fatty treat, to be eaten with care? Health Benefits and Pros & Cons of Cooking with Coconut Oil. Q&A with Dr. Manny: Coconut oil has gained popularity because of vegan diets but recent studies find it may not be as healthy as previously thought. Just the opposite. About 84% of its calories come from saturated fat. Because coconut oil increases [bad] cholesterol, a cause of cardiovascular disease, and has no known offsetting favorable effects, we advise against the use of coconut oil, the AHA conclude. Coconut: good fat or bad? Depending on your specific health status coconut oil may or may not be safe for you. Confuse about coconut oil? Is coconut oil bad for your heart? But HDL (good) cholesterol found in it can help to protect cardiovascular health. The effects of coconut oil are compared to butter and tallow. After gaining a bad reputation at theater concession stands in the 90s, coconut oil is back. Can coconut oil go bad? Mixed messages abound about coconut and health. I'll share the benefits of coconut oil plus links to recipes & research articles. The question in the health world recently has been: Is coconut oil good or bad for your health? The American Heart Association updated its guidelines to recommend avoiding saturated fats in things like butter, beef and you guessed it coconut oil. Coconut oil is one of the vegetable oils. A perfect example of a healthy food that was unfairly demonized in the past is coconut oil.